dimanche 19 novembre 2017

Automounting removable USB disks for use as backuppc archive volumes

I want to be able to plug in a few (at least 2) removable HDD drives and use them to store my latest backups, so I can easily move these HDD drives offsite for additional protection against theft, fire or other catastrophic events.

Required software

 sudo apt install autofs


# Maps for external HDD etc 
/var/backups/backuppcv /etc/auto.removable --timeout=2 


Currently I own two of these drives (Iomega is 1TB and Targa is 512MB).  Both are quite old but I plan to add a 2TB (or a couple of them) in the near future.  I did check the blkid from each of these drives then added these lines to my new auto.removable config file:
# Maps for external HDD etc
iomega    -fstype=ext2    :UUID=e66dd072-7a29-4021-8cea-6757bf3b566a
targa    -fstype=ext3    :UUID=bd524c4e-2c59-4685-9458-74b21a9c33cd


sudo service autofs restart


mkdir /var/backups/backuppcv/iomega/backuppc
chown backuppc:backuppc /var/backups/backuppcv/iomega/backuppc

Usage with backuppc

sudo cat arc_iomega.pl
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'archive';
$Conf{ArchiveDest} = '/var/backups/backuppcv/iomega/backuppc';

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