samedi 18 août 2012

Upgrading Office computer IV

This is the new target upgrade: 11.10
About two hours to go, plus the pausing for questions and such.
So far so good.
Rebooting into 11.04 went fine (after the mandatory fsck though).
XFCE config has changed, I had to re-add some gadget into the bar as it started with an empty/standard one.
I also have a XFCE panel on the bottom in this version.

update on office computer, part III

OK with Karmic Koala, then upgraded to 10.10 Maverick.
After reboot, now upgrading to 11.04.
Phew !

upgrading office computer, continued

Karmic went fine, now upgrading to 10.10.

vendredi 17 août 2012

upgrading office computer, 2012 version

Had to remove the iscan 3rd party package before upgrade---It was bought with Vista :-|
Still running Jaunty until yesterday, long time out of support.
Finally found the EOLupgrades page to help me upgrade to Karmic.

From there using the normal procedure to go to Lucid 10.04 LTS.